Monday 26 October 2009

Dudley, October 9th 2009

Welcome to Dudley, an improbable stones' throw away from where I used to wait for the bus each day as I went to college.

There used to be a pub by the bus station, called the Joe Darby. (My Dad insists it is known as the Josie D'Arby, which would have made it one of very few pubs in the entire country named after the Welsh actress.)

Anyhow, around the turn of the century the pub needed a reinvigoration. It seemed to be standard to make everything look like New York, lending weight to arguments for a new name. So a neon sign was ordered, hoisted into place...and a couple of years later, the pub lays dormant.

Sadly, it looks as if a bit of the neon sign has fallen off, too.

Welcome to He Metro Bap, Dudley.

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