Saturday 10 November 2007

My First Comment

Hello blog,

Unbelieveable! I started this blog as a way to confront my frustrations with the world, and hardly expected anyone else to read it.

My most gracious and humble welcome to my first ever comment leaver!

More later.

Thursday 8 November 2007


Howdy blog.

I am utterly skint. Not in the homeless, living under a bridge skint, but the 'haven't got any cash to spend frivolously until payday' skint. This has come as a big shock to me. It has also taught me some harsh lessons, namely:
  • Check your balance more regulary
  • I don't get paid enough.
  • Don't go to the pub every lunchtime
  • I don't get paid enough.
  • You can't afford everything you want
  • I don't get paid enough.
  • Stop trying to impress people with money. They've seen some before.
  • I don't get paid enough.
  • I owe one person an unspecified amount of cash. I have no motivation to pay it back.
  • I don't get paid enough.
So, since Monday [it's now Thursday evening] I have spent a grand total of £1.70, and it breaks down like this;

£1.30 - cheapest sandwich I could find, because I got up too late to make a salad
£0.40 - Snickers bar, because I desperately required chocolate.

The thing is, can I hold on until the gala German Market opening with the rest of my cash - I will be paid on the 16th? [See below post]

Stay tuned for further details. 

German Market!

This week sees the return to the centre of Birmingham, The Frankfurt German Market. This is a fabulous place. There will be a carousel with horses, a helter-skelter, lots of stalls with German hand-made items. Most importantly, there will be the small matter of the wonderous beer stall. To its left, the red or white wood-chip grilled sausages. To its right, the heat and smell of the blazing pig carcasses. I am excited to the point of combustion.
Mostly about the beer and pork, as you can tell.

Just five working days to go - which leads me onto another thing......

List Of The Week #1

So as they don't get lost forever, here is the first LIST OF THE WEEK:

Electric Giraffe Orchestra
Chimp Fighter
The Pretentious Seven
Bargain Basement Beats
Multimedia Toastie Company
Older Than Winchester
Swimming With Rolf
Fighting Crabs
Jackie Chan's Chip Shop
My Mate Keith

Look out for a further update later today.