Tuesday 30 September 2008


Some points, connected in no discernable order:

  • All the great TV comedy situations have been created or exploited
  • Radio is a lot harder than is seems to listen to
  • Genius on iTunes keeps crashing when it delivers my results
  • Mini Discs rock!
  • Safari for Windows doesn't understand English English
  • Neil from The Young One's character surname is Pye
  • I can now speak visual basic...
  • I am tired yet addicted to writing
  • I think I may have overstretched myself a bit with charity work and real life, meant to go to the gym today but overslept by two hours, so won't get another chance to go until Friday (if I'm lucky)
  • The second series of The Mighty Boosh was either too dark or the funny bits had been edited out
  • Ironing is theraputic
  • Why to people who do shoes also do keys?
  • Why do people who do keys also do shoes?
  • Newcastle United have made Manchester City look stable and calm in comparison
  • Clearing your work desk out "just because people at other banks have had to put all of their stuff in boxes at short notice, and I think that would be a good idea here" as a reason doesn't go down well
  • FC Porto have a Brazilian player called Hulk
  • Fiesta has increased in price significantly over the last sixteen years or so
  • I have just over a week of being a TwentySomething to go, meaning I move up an age bracket in surveys...

All this and more, in my head and now in yours!