Sunday 22 November 2009

Further Tales from Daily Mail Island 2

After writing the below post, I possibly have a new favourite.

Women have no place in the army. They should stick to sowing and cooking and stuff.
- dunitburger, Coventry UK, 22/11/2009 9:06

Further Tales from Daily Mail Island

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you a new national pastime, one that will delight you for a few hours at least.

Visit the Daily Mail website, and select a news story at random. At the bottom, will be a selection of reader comments. Ok, nothing new there. Then select 'worst rated'. This shows up the comments that have been flagged as being offensive and in poor taste. They also appear to be unmoderated.

Then have a look at 'best rated'.

Although, the best one I saw was sitting unfiltered at the top of a story about ten female soldiers being returned from Afghanistan because they had become pregnant.

Here it is:

It takes two to tango. However when you put both sexes together in battle conditions a bit of comfort after the fight is understandable. Women should NOT be on the front line, or on board ships
- Margaret, Suffolk, 22/11/2009 16:33

Thank you, Margaret in Suffolk. Women shouldn't be allowed on ships. This is the voice of the people.

Good night, Great Britain.