Sunday 4 January 2009


Hello world, and a hugely 'Selecta!' New Year to you too.

As I now live in the world of fast moving media and constantly changing deadlines (yeah, right), my blog has been a little pushed back over the last few...erm...months. So, in order to keep the world of such revelatory news items as "I'm eating soup!", "Newcastle shot themselves in both feet again", "I have a new favourite song!", Nothing Too Pretentious is delighted to announce the birth of its daughter site...

Twitter allows uber brief updates that are transmitted from handy facilities like a mobile phone, limited to 140 characters.

Ah, the joys of a contract mobile phone.

Anyhow, in a lovely cross-promotional burst, I do have a new favourite song - "50 Souls and A Discobowl" by 'The Lionheart Brothers'. I heard this this afternoon, on the Hospital request programme. Yes, Norwegian bezerker psychedelic rock. On a Hospital Radio request programme. I requested to hear it again! And they played it. You don't get that on Radio Two.