Sunday 27 September 2009

Return from the wilderness


Been a while, hasn't it? Been a touch on the busy side. For five months.

Anyhow, here are some things I wrote a while ago and would like to put here for posterity:

Thursday, 18th August 2005

Yesterday, the idea for an ironic rock band appeared, called PRALKA. Suggested ideas for record titles include;
Why am I interested in reading Bridget Jones' Diary? Why did I watch a documentary on the making of cheese on Tuesday night? These questions and more later.

Wednesday, 17th August 2005

Okay, it's ten past eight on a sunny Wednesday morning. I'm traveling backwards into Birmingham on the Lichfield train. I'm listening to Pulp's Different Class, which is a great album. I've been thinking for a couple of years that it could be re-arranged to make Pulp, the musical. The story of one man's struggle against mundanity in the halcyon days of the mid nineties. The programme will have "n.b. please do not read the lyrics whilst listening to the music". Spaghetti. Packed train, with people all reading their Metros. No-one talking. So Pulp finishes, and I find Emerge by Fischerspooner. Livens me up. Rolling into Duddeston. Interesting place. Fancy walking walking round the disused tracks now the trains have long gone. Huge weeds and sleepers.

List #1
= It Makes Me Feel Fantastic
That's what a man said on the news about sniffing polyester.
  1. I'd like my hair back
  2. I'd like to be about 12 stone
  3. I'd prefer to be 20
  4. Less scared of impending children
  5. Better social skills
That's it for now. It's been good talking. A selection from Fantastic Plastic Machine for the walk to work.

