Tuesday 30 October 2007

Things That Make You Go Arrrgh

Hello again,

There are a few things that make me very angry. Some things make my blood boil. Most of these things will make it on to here.

I'll start you off with one of my unsung pet hates, Jon Gaunt. 

For those of you that don't know, "Gaunty" is a Talksport radio show host, as well as being a weekly columnist with the British newsapaper The Sun. He has a bias against the BBC and is vehemently anti Licence Fee - this is the same, 'unfair' way the BBC has been funded since June 1946, and co-incidentally, some of the same 'unfair' funding made its way to Jon Gaunt for 13 years plus service to the BBC. Admittedly, I am no Licence Fee propaganda machine, but it is the nature of Gaunt's attacks on what he calls the "Bloated Broadcasting Corporation" which make me angry. They are ususally structured as a comment against a current BBC event (retructuring, big name programme) which always compares unfavourably to Sky One/Sky News/Talksport, twinned with a call to privatise Radio 1 and Radio 2  - then the sledgehammer of the call to end the "Telly Tax". 

It is worth mentioning that (commercial) Sky Broadcasting and Talksport are subsiduaries of News International - the same group that owns The Sun. And they compete with the BBC for audience share.

This week's missive sees another mini promo for Sky News with a nod towards the skills of Eammon Holmes, the news presenter. Is this in any way a backslap for his kind comment that graces the front page of Gaunt's new book?

I'm yet to find anything Gaunt is pro that isn't to do with action on restricting immigration, or promoting himself or News International.

As well as this, "Gaunty" positions himself as a man of the people, yet how many other people have their own talk radio programme and weekly column? Or attend glitzy film premieres?

Did I mention he has a new book to promote?

In short, if I didn't know he exists, I would be convinced he was a product of The Sun designed entirely to rile anyone who doesn't share those views.

Ooo, that's better. Thanks for reading.