Saturday 30 August 2008

It’s all about Personal Choice


In April, I joined the gym as part of my charity diet preparations. Regrettably, I haven’t been arsed enough to collect the sponsorship money from the donators, but I digress. I have enjoyed the experience, and really enjoy Spinning and pushing myself on the machines – and enjoy being able to watch the cricket as I go.

Shortly after, I made a decision to stop drinking, 21st June to be accurate. It’s been two months, and it’s still a decision that makes perfect sense. I am enjoying myself more, and I seem to have more time than ever; this seems to be hangover recovery and wasted time leathered.

My life is becoming organised and my future seems to be brighter than ever.

I wouldn’t be preachy about this, and would agree that it’s not for everyone, but it really has worked for me. I’d rather go without than set myself a limit that I could persuade myself into bypassing ‘as a one-off’.

And I know that this may not last forever, but now it is the right thing at the right time.

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