Tuesday 24 June 2008

Old Poetry

After looking through some of the utter dross that I wrote whilst at college, I decided to not publish anything. There are several, numbered reasons;
  1. It simply isn't good enough
  2. Some of the lyrics and titles would be defamatory
  3. It is really, really poor
  4. It's a little embarrassing for some historical exes
  5. Some of it is teeth-gnashingly bad
Hopefully that clears it up.

I did find a two line stanza that stuck in my throat, from the poem "Waiting For History", which was:
As I sit and wait for History
I could be doing something better with my time
...which nicely sums up my last fifteen years or so.

Looking back I know I was referring to History with a large H, the subject, and not the passage of time; yet the lines nag at me about wasting time thinking about doing something better and never actually doing it. 

In essence, I'm telling the modern me off from a library desk in Halesowen, in 1996. Man, that's deep.

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