Tuesday 24 June 2008

Madame B - Episode 0

14 November 2003 13.41

Good afternoon

Today's thoughts come from none other than Madame B[rest removed for legal reasons], Scotland's premiere Astrologer and Tea-Leaf Reading expert. 

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23

A powerful connection os made between your head, and a concrete fence post. This leads to sensational visions of success and prosperity, which last until you come round. Love is easily found for you today, inbetween lovdzangle and lovearch in the dictionary. Destiny points to a half finished bottle of wine. That talks to you. Your lucky number is Tuesday. 

Gemini May 22 - Jun 21

Love is in the air, on the stairs, and dripping down your gearstick. It's a passion filled weekend that stems from high pressure in Uranus. Venus brings fire, and with it. a truck filled with firemen. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Work problems are solved with an artistic flourish, after you purchase a job lot of paint and explosive.

This and other phenomenal predictions again soon, but for today - that's all from Madame B[again, deleted for legal reasons], and her amazing regurgitating cat. 

Have fun

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