Friday 13 June 2008

Fishing For Cats


As things like washing up or attempting a social life begin to decrease in importance, new hobbies/exercises in time-wasting spring up in their place. This is where fishing for cats comes in.

Increasing numbers of local cats visit this house when the windows are open to have a nose around. Then they see me, and then run away. I decided to try to lure in a cat to play with for a while, just to see if I could.  A couple of nights this week, I laid some tuna out in a bowl, which caused severe interest, but no actual sightings. Cats prefer fish to sweet-corn, in a shock development.

After reading up on Felis catus, and learning about how they like to stalk things, I devised a very simple 'bird on a string' toy/lure which was literally string and some newspaper. This didn't work yesterday.

Tonight, I saw a cat peeking out from behind the sofa, so I casually found out the stringy toy and let the cat fall for it. It ripped it off the string and ran away, destroying the 'bird' with vigor. I threw the string in frustration, but the cat thought that the 'bird' was still alive and went for it again. After 10 minutes of Machiavellian-orchestrated playing, I closed the windows and bagged my first cat.

Felis catus thinks 'Bugger, I've been comprehensively out thought. How to get out?' 

Felis catus resigned to being out-thought, but still protecting it's hard earned snake/lure/string, becomes Felis domesticus.

Needless to say, I let it go shortly afterwards, after giving it some milk and some friendly tickles.

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