Sunday 4 May 2008

Weight Loss Diary


For those of you that aren't aware, last year I did some beneficial weight loss for me and the lovely NSPCC. I lost 22 pounds of weight, and the NSPCC gained £603 in donations.

Little did I think I would need to do it again so soon. 

So, on May 1st I took a ceremonial hangover allied to an overstuffing of pizza onto the scales at work, where I weighed in at an alarming 93.1k.

Off I go again on a meat-and-alcohol-and-white bread free diet for a month. This time though I have the gym as a further tool/incentive.

The gym is great. It has already exposed my poor fitness and chronic deterioration in the swimming stakes, and advertised my puffing fat redness to many attractive ladies.


On the plus side, I already feel lighter. On the negative side, I haven't had a 'sit down toilet' since before my weigh in. Stay tuned for "Crapwatch".

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