Monday 5 May 2008

Something A Little Pretentious

I have been taking time from running on the spot and eating apocolyptically minging out of date mackrel (more on that later) to look through some old photos. Here's one of me trying to look casual, refined and intelligent, whilst having a rucksack and what appears to be a XXXL rain jacket on. Outside Broadcasting House, in London. In (possibly) April 1998. Love that hair.

Minging Mackerel update: I thought I'd have a light dinner of smoked mackerel and some leafy salad. It seems that both were off. But not just off, but rank. Full on "Poo!" on opening rank.

They are now both in the bin, which combined with the other food I chucked out at the start of the diet is causing a spectacular pong.

That word again, "Poo".

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