Monday 14 April 2008

Nathan Barley Times Four

Part of a post from last week. Especially the bit about the hit-and-miss wifi.

Grr. Apart from all of the lovely, hit-and-miss wi-fi in here, and the Police arresting a drunk, it's pretty good in Wetherspoon's for writing. Cup of ok coffee and a muffin, and trying to track down some Newcastle socks for under £10 (try it! include delivery!) all was well.

Until a few moments ago when a group of total Nathans arrived and inundated the pub with their hilarious copied from the tv catchphrases and loud ruminations about how much they wanted to bang Dr. Reid from Scrubs.

They were so annoying, I was considering leaving. Until they left, abruptly, and the pub breathed a collective sigh of relief. I started writing about it, then the wi-fi packed up.

So I left anyway.

Note to readers: following this, Nothing Too Pretentious warmly reccomends T-Mobile Web and Walk Plus. (Which failed, the first time I wrote this section, losing all I wrote.)

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