Monday 14 January 2008

Bad Decisions

Have you ever made a decision? I have. 

Have you ever made a good decision? A long time ago I decided to stop jumping off the tops of low-ish buildings onto grass. This is an example of a good, no, very good decision.

Have you ever made a bad decision? Shortly before I decided to stop jumping off the tops of low-ish buildings, I decided to...try jumping off the tops of low-ish buildings. Bad decision.

Have you ever made a decision that was so bad, so fundamentally flawed in every aspect that if somehow you could summon Henry Moore from his eternal rest to sculpt this very decision, his finished work would be the word "WRONG" in delightfully fluid, eight feet high marble letters; so wrong it keeps you awake at night; so wrong even it keeps you awake AT WORK; so very wrong you feel you may have irretriveably altered the entire course of your or humanity's history? 

Really, only a few people could make such spectacularly poor judgements.

Some suggest George Bush made a bad decision about his whole foriegn policy. I don't think it was his decision at all. He's just easily persuaded.

The member of staff at White Star who forgot to hand the key back for the binocular cabinet. Very poor decision (with the perfect vision that is hindsight).

Though I like to think of genii who made bad decisions as a comparison. Take Robert Oppenheimer. Genius. Undoubtedly. Also, father of the Atomic Bomb, an item which has kept humanity in fear for nearly sixty three fluctuatingly, stomach-churningly tense years. To explode it? Without question, bad decision for humanity and half a million unknowing Japanese.

But nothing, nothing, is as bad as the decision to let your girlfriend go. Without really wanting her to go. 

No guarantee of returning to the place you once had. Life isn't like Mark's and Spencers where exchanges can be made if you change your mind. Life may decide to give you a refund on those underpants, but the chances are you won't get a penny.

This is my bad decision. I will have to live with the fact I made it for the rest of my life. 

Whether she comes back or not.

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