Sunday 25 November 2007

Tales From My Youth


I've just been looking through a pile of old papers, and found my list of tunes for "The Dorch - The Album". For anyone who doesn't know, The Dorchester was the centre of the universe for indie types who could dance for hours and liked 'retro' football shirts and enjoyed ridiculously cheap alcohol, in and around 1995.

A Google (click here to repeat search) only returned two relevant links to the place. Surely, everyone who survived its charms can't have not written about it online? Astonishing. But what has shown up is a Dorchester Reunion on New Years' Eve. Possibly see you there...if they could recreate The Deep, The Chill Out Room, The Caff (with chips for apparently 20p), the cages for exhibitionist dancing and bouncers who will insist on asking you for ID, even though the attendees' average age will be about 30.

To follow...the listings for "The Dorch - The Album".

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