Saturday 24 November 2007


Hello again,

I'm having a clear out. The confidential waste bins at work won't know what's hit them! The first thing to go are my lovely collection of Orange mobile phone bills that stretch all the way back to January 1999. It shows I sent my first ever text message at 22:07, 06/01/99. The first person I ever called was Jon D, in Huddersfield. I can even remember being tragically excited by the new technology, the Nokia 5110. 

So, the eight years of bills have filled my mind with nostalgia, like:
  • Orange have had an enormous amount of my money, since 1998
  • I rang my parents, four minutes into the 21st Century
  • The phone number for a great hostel in Liverpool...
  • That the only reason for getting a mobile phone was so I could call my girlfriend.

Nealy nine years and two gilfriends later, I have finally left Orange. And every call, every minute I spent connecting to people will be shredded. Hopefully the memories will remain! 

Also, this kinda exposes my hoarding instincts. Next to go: Twelve years of bank statements!

P.S. I know that this is a rubbish post, however I felt I needed to mark this stage - hoarding acceptance and finally accepting I really don't want to remember every phone call I've ever made.

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