Friday 13 February 2009

More News

I was wondering the other day, just at why whenever the temperature creeps above "Brrrr!" and the sun comes out from behind the rain clouds for more than seven minutes, scantily clad women appear to frolic in the surf in genteel Bournemouth. Why do photographers always have such good luck at finding members of the public who are dressed accordingly? And how do they always use the pictures as a quick guide to show just how warm it is? Why Bournemouth?

As soon as the thought took hold, I realised; women in bikinis sell papers, they are possibly models anyway, and the photographers are probably in the save van from London as the models. And pictures say more than a thousand words. Well, it covers as much space, anyway.

That thought resolved, I turned to that day's offering from The Sun. Bearing in mind the UK is in its coldest weather period for 18 years, the paper was full of snow and floods. And, on page 12, naked in the snow, save for wellingtons, Joceline Brooke-Hamilton and Sam Brooks, who refused to dress warm at a naturists' gathering in Bournemouth, Dorset.

The picture caption is " Bournemouth". Is journalism that easy?

Bournemouth. Again.

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