Thursday 22 January 2009

Rambling Update

Hello folks.

My back hurts like crap. This is possibly due either 1) sleeping in a poor position, or 2) standing up for about nine hours straight playing FIFA 09 on the Wii. I was going to go to key some more gubbins into the database at the Radio Station, however I got up at an unfeasibly late time (1.30pm) to do anything other than have a bath. So tonight, surely, will see the en


As I was typing the above, the laptop flashed and did the blue screen. BAD_POOL_ERROR. Arses. All seems ok now, but, crap.

Yes, as I was saying, tonight (barring further blue screens of death) should see the end of the 12 month mission to convert all the tapes from Audio 90/60/12 minutes to MP3. I will celebrate, then tomorrow convert the TASCAM mixing desk things. Shouldn't take long, as they are maximum 20 minutes each. Well, not 12 months, anyway.

iTunes says I am down to the last 8.9 days of unheard music. This will rise when the fully archived stuff goes in. There's about 5 G's of it to go in.

Recently read books:
Googlies, Nutmegs & Bogeys - The Origins of Peculiar Sporting Lingo; Bob Wilson

Fighting Talk - Flimsy Facts, Sweeping Statements and Inspired Sporting Hunches; With Johnny Vaughan and Colin Murray

Emphasis on sport, there.

Breaking news from the laptop:
"Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown...Problem Event Name: BlueScreen"

Wow! Insight!

Other news:
Folowing the departure to pastures new of my nameless newsreading crush, several replacements have appeared. Which itself is worrying - this suggests a permanent position that needs to be filled, so to speak. So, doyenne of the unbelievably late nights on BBC News Karin Giannone steps forward to fill that gap, whilst elfin Laura Tobin ably assists on the weather presentation duties. Why am I telling you this?

Every team in England are adept at shooting themselves in the feet. Repeatedly. Special mention goes to Liverpool, a team I still hope win the league this year. Excellent play, had the chance to slap rivals Manchester United with verbal joust which needed to be followed by a good result. Good result failed to materialise, Liverpool now behind Manchester United on GD, but with a game fewer to play.

America inaugurates 44th President, no obvious news angle there.

Righto, a few presentation issues to rectify, and this wayward update is complete. Eyes down for more Twitter updates and fuller blog updatery in 2009.

What a year it will be, all 11 months of it that are left.

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