Thursday 8 November 2007


Howdy blog.

I am utterly skint. Not in the homeless, living under a bridge skint, but the 'haven't got any cash to spend frivolously until payday' skint. This has come as a big shock to me. It has also taught me some harsh lessons, namely:
  • Check your balance more regulary
  • I don't get paid enough.
  • Don't go to the pub every lunchtime
  • I don't get paid enough.
  • You can't afford everything you want
  • I don't get paid enough.
  • Stop trying to impress people with money. They've seen some before.
  • I don't get paid enough.
  • I owe one person an unspecified amount of cash. I have no motivation to pay it back.
  • I don't get paid enough.
So, since Monday [it's now Thursday evening] I have spent a grand total of £1.70, and it breaks down like this;

£1.30 - cheapest sandwich I could find, because I got up too late to make a salad
£0.40 - Snickers bar, because I desperately required chocolate.

The thing is, can I hold on until the gala German Market opening with the rest of my cash - I will be paid on the 16th? [See below post]

Stay tuned for further details. 

1 comment:

Santa de Chicago said...

Well, I just came across your journal to let you know you are not the only one "skint" or as the americans/Chicagoans say "broke as hell". Good luck with the finances!