Sunday 11 November 2007

At the risk of adding too much in one day...

...and totally neglecting this thing for weeks, there are some things I might need to clear up.
The beer drinking newsreaders (list of the week) are all German Market related. If one is able to withhold using the toilets after one pint, that's a Peter Smith. Two, and you have made it to Moira Stewart. Three is a Sue Lawley - this is not very common, and is usually celebrated with a brief rendition of  "Sue Lawley! Sue Lawley!" to the tune of So Lonely by The Police. Four and five are almost uncharted territory. I say uncharted, because it may have been done. Four pints (really half litres) of spirited German lager is a lot. Four is a Peter Sissons, and five is a Sir Trevor McDonald.

There's a nominal raising scale of gravitas for each newsreader on the scale, although the actual reasons for choosing them have been lost in the midsts of about £300 of German lager. Also lost is the reason for marking this event, and why its done in this way.

For the benefit of people who may not know (with Wikipedia links);

Peter Smith was the news person for The Big Breakfast for the first few years, and has recently dissapeared from the face of the earth.
Moira Stewart has been one of the cornerstones of BBC News since the early eighties, and has recently not had her contract renewed as she is apparently "too old". 
Sue Lawley until 2006 presented Sesert Island Discs, a Radio Four institution, and is originally from Sedgeley. She is possibly most famous for being the co-anchor with Nicholas Witchell during the lesbian invasion of the Six O'Clock News in 1984.
Peter Sissons is not only a defector from ITN to the BBC, but has been lambasted in the national press for wearing an 'insensitive' maroon tie. He is four days older than my Dad.
Sir George (Trevor) McDonald is a broadcasting institution, and will return to The News at Ten soon. Voted "Most likely to kill using gravitas alone" shortly after his knighthood in 1999.

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